Include the following details (edit as applicable):
Issue category: Semantic Segmentation
Device type & OS version: iOS
Host machine & OS version: Mac M1
Issue Environment : Unity Mock
ARDK version: 1.0.1
Unity version: 2021.2.3f1
Description of the issue:
I tried to follow the getting started tutorial and when I try to run the segmentation scene example I see the UI but I don’t see the mockup on the screen and I get the following error message:
#Niantic.ARDK.Helpers.ARRenderingManager#: Add the ARDK_MockWorld layer to the Layers list (Edit > ProjectSettings > Tags and Layers) in order to render in Mock AR sessions.
#Niantic.ARDK.VirtualStudio.AR.Mock._MockFrameBufferProvider#: Add the ARDK_MockWorld layer to the Layers list (Edit > ProjectSettings > Tags and Layers) in order to render in Mock AR sessions.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Anybody having a similar issue?
Ok now I added the layer as shown further in the tutorial and this seems to do the trick. Not sure how they were able to see the mockup environment in the tutorial without adding the layer name…
I still have issues with getting the segmentation scene to work though. It seems that the ARDK isn’t active as I don’t have the segmentation happening visually as I go through sky, etc.
Anybody having the same issue?
Hi Arnaud,
It’s possible that the issue that you are seeing is related to the M1 processor not being officially supported yet. We’ll look into the tutorial to see if we encounter any problems that are similar to what you are seeing on the M1.
In the meantime, if you have any screenshots or other information that describes your issue in detail, please share that here, as it could potentially be helpful while we look into the problem.
I actually was able to fix the problem by adding ‘None’ in the Player Settings for ‘Location Usage Description’.
I had mine fixed by creating assets folder Resources >> ARDK >> create ArdkAuthConfig
Add my AuthKey generated on Niantic Dashboard.
Make sure you do not create another ArdkAuthConfig if you already have ArdkAuthConfg already in your Examples folder, you might encounter conflicting issues.
Sorry guys, I tried adding images to help convey and help demonstrate my explanation and to offer help but it seems Niantic won’t let me cause I am a new user. Thanks