Category Topics


Announcements about the Niantic Spatial Platform, covering specific technical changes, and advisories such as feature deprecations, bug fixes, and API changes.

Feature Requests

We want to hear how we can improve our platform, our forums, our documentation, and our tutorials to help you better succeed! Expect an average initial support response time of 24 hours.

I'm Stuck

If you’re stuck and can’t move onto the next step of your project, post it here! Other developers from the community can chime in with suggestions and work-arounds. Our team will even jump in with suggestions! Don’t forget a screenshot! Expect an average support response time of 48 hours.

Bug Reports

Report what is wrong and needs fixing on our platform, forum, or website. Expect an average initial support response time of 24 hours.

Community Guidelines

Please review our community guidelines before you engage on the forum.

Known issues with workarounds

Stay up to date on known bugs and issues. In this area, you can comment , upvote and share information. We will post workarounds as well in this section.

Getting Started on Niantic Spatial Platform

In order to help get you up and running please head over to YouTube and watch a few of our guides. This will help with getting the right version of unity and any setup gotchas. Here is a suggested viewing order, but feel free to jump around after watching the getting started video. And please note ARDK is only supported on Unity 2019 LTS versions at this point in time.


Discuss anything and everything-it doesn’t even have to be related to Lightship!

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to the community and start building a network!


We want to see what you have been building on Lightship! Give yourself the spotlight and share videos, screenshots, news coverage of what you’ve created!


こちらのカテゴリでは、アナウンスメント、Niantic Spatialについて、機能リクエスト、バグレポート、ヘルプ、エベントなど、日本語でのディスカッションが行われます。

Community Created Resources

We know many Niantic Spatial Platform devs are out there making their own resources. This is a to space to host those resources right here in our forum!


Upcoming events specifically for the Niantic Spatial developer community.