About the Getting Started on Niantic Splatial Platform category FOR 2.x

In order to help get you up and running please head over to YouTube and watch a few of our guides. This will help with getting the right version of unity and any setup gotchas. Here is a suggested viewing order, but feel free to jump around after watching the getting started video. And please note ARDK is only supported on Unity 2019 LTS versions at this point in time.

If for some reason you can’t get up and running, post in “I’m Stuck” so other Lightshippers can support you!

Getting started
Learn how to add the ARDK package and examples package to your Unity project, integrate ARDK features, build for iOS or Android.

Learn how to use basic AR features to place virtual objects on floors and walls.

Learn how to use depth to do basic object occlusions

Querying Semantics
Learn how to do basic inspections of the semantic buffer to determine what types of objects the user can see

Meshing1 & 2
Learn how to use meshing and collide objects with the generated mesh

Get a walkthrough of how to develop a shared AR experience across multiple devices and players, using the multiplayer features of ARDK. The ARDK lets multiple players on multiple devices co-locate in a real-world location and interact in a shared AR environment.

Virtual Studio
Learn how to use ARDK Virtual Studio and Mock Mode. In Mock Mode, all AR and networking functionality is mocked inside the Unity editor, which lets you do most of your development and debugging work in Unity, instead of spending extra time building and deploying multiple iterations to your mobile device.

Depth Textures
Learn how to extract the depth buffer into a texture and then overlay the texture on the screen using a full screen shader

Semantic Textures
Learn how to extract masks from the segmentation system and use these to overlay simple effects on the detected objects in the scene, like changing the color or pattern of the sky.

Written Tutorials
In the description of most of the videos there will also be a link a written version of the tutorials, all of which can be found here: