I have a question about how I can use the Lightship VPS service within a project. Lets say for example that I am organising a festival that would run for one week, and I want users to be able to walk up to landmarks around the festvial and view AR content. I am aware that I cant upload public scans for temporary landmarks - So far I have been testing with private scans, however I am also aware that they can only be used for testing purposes. Does anyone have any advice on the best process I should use?
Hello @Harry_Wakeling!
While private scans are intended to be of sufficient quality and localizability for development and testing purposes, they are not as robust as the series of scans associated with a VPS-activated wayspot. Therefore, we cannot guarantee private scan stability and/or performance in a production setting.
However, you may want to consider localizing via marker sync for your use-case. With this method, your end-users could localize against a visual marker such as a QR code. This may even be a preferable experience for temporary events such as a festival, since the additional foot traffic may create a scenario where VPS scan targets become occluded and hinder the visual localization process.
More information on localizing via marker sync can be found in the documentation here. Let us know if this helps!
Hi Rob
I just requested access to that document, thanks!
Hey Harry – sorry about that! The above link has been updated and should now correctly land on the Localizing with Marker Sync docs page.