Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Unity Example Package
- Device type & OS version: iPhone 13 Pro on iOS 15.6
- Host machine & OS version: Mac M2 on Ventura 13.0
- Issue Environment : Unity
- Xcode version: 14.0.1
- ARDK version: 2.5.2
- Unity version: 2021.3.25f1
Description of the issue:
I’m new to ARDK and Unity.
Following the tutorial “The Basics: Getting Started with Lightship” I created the Lightship Ball Demo AR application using ARDK in Unity: I built the project and it is working on my iOS device perfectly
I wanted to experiment a WebGL build but the build didn’t work and I got some errors. Here the flow I followed to build with WebGL:
(1) Unity > Build Settings > Select “WebGL” > Switch Platform
(2) Then I got an error message saying: “In order to build a player go to “Player Settings…” to resolve the incompatibility between the Color Space and the current settings”
(3) In Player setting > Other Settings > I got these 2 warnings:
1. Lineage colorspace requires WebGL 2, uncheck ‘Automatic Graphics API’ to remove WebGL 1 API. WARNING: if DXT sRGB is not supported by the browser, texture will be decompressed
2. High quality lightmap encoding requires WebGL 2 only. Uncheck ‘Automatic Graphics API’ if it’s set an remove the WebGL 1 API.
(4) So I did uncheck the “Auto Graphics API” box.
(5) I can now click on “Build”, but finally go these errors:
I’m not sure where to start to fix these problems. Any help or direction about where I should start to fix these issues would be very appreciated. Thank you