Building on Android with Lightship ARDK keeps prompts me to update Google Play Services

Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Semantic Segmentation
  • Device type & OS version: Android iOS
  • Host machine & OS version: Windows
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • ARDK version:
  • Unity version:

Bug reproduction steps:

  1. Problem: everytime I build the Niantic Lightship app onto the Android, it prompts me to update Google Play Services even though I already have the latest version installed. Pressing ‘continue’ takes me to a pop up that doesn’t lead me to anything. If I press ‘cancel’ the app doesn’t work and the camera is turned off. I tried reinstalling it and restarting the tablet but it doesn’t help. Everything in the actual Unity project seems to work fine though (I followed the tutorial on the Niantic website).

Here’s what it prompts:

Hi Dani,
May I know what version of ARDK and Unity you’re running?

Here is a guide that will walk you through getting around this issue.

If you’re running Unity 2020.3 (which is the official version for ARDK 1.2) you can skip the first part and start on the section titled “Building for Android 11 (API level 30) and Higher”.

A few thing to note:

  • The Temp folder will only appear in your project directory if Unity is running; it gets destroyed once Unity is closed.
  • If you don’t see a Plugins folder in your Assets folder, you can manually create one, and then manually create the Android folder within it to paste the Manifest file you copied.
  • When adding the specified line into the Manifest file, make sure that it’s only within the tags and not nested within any additional tags.

@Dani_Feng @Jesus_Niantic additional Info: depending on the Unity version you should also see the option I marked in the screenshot to allow directly settings custom Manifest files, without relying on the Temp folder. JFYI - and maybe also as an update for the docs :wink:

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@FGR Thanks for the tip! I was able to do this with both Unity 2020 and 2021. This simplifies the process greatly as there is no need to make the initial build to generate the AndroidManifiest.xml file, or to create the Plugins/Android folder. The only thing needed with the option enabled is to add the tag to the AndroidManifest.xml file that’s created when the option is enabled:

    <package android:name="" />
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