Camera-jitter - do I have to migrate to ARDK 3?

Unity 2020.3.1
ARDK 1.1

So, I have this old project which is still using ARDK 1.1 - which i’d like to finish up. I’ve started getting back into it recently and noticed loads of pretty serious camera-jitter which wasn’t there before - it’s inconsistent but when it does happen it totally breaks the experience. it seems i can kind of fix it by backgrounding and then re-entering the app.
I imagine it means i need to update to ardk 3 - but just wondering if you have any other thoughts about where this jitter has come from - because jitter-aside it’s all working well. The app only uses the meshing (is the meshing better on ARDK 3? I know it’'s all switched to ARFoundation stuff)
but also used to use the shared AR stuff in Lightship - so it’s probably going to be something of a big job to put ARDK 3 in.
Just double checking before i embark on the switch - thanks

iPhone 13 Pro

Hi Ross,

Welcome back to the ARDK!

Regarding the camera jitter issue in your 1.1 app, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. However, I’d like to highlight that our Shared AR feature relies on Niantic servers to function properly, which means Shared AR may not perform as expected in the legacy version you’re using. Additionally, ARDK 1.1 is missing numerous updates and fixes designed to address compatibility with evolving device OS, ARKit, and ARCore versions. This could potentially contribute to the camera jitter you’re experiencing.

I strongly recommend migrating to ARDK 3. It not only includes full support and the latest updates but also builds on ARFoundation with enhanced features to streamline development and deliver a high-quality AR experience across a wider range of devices.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the migration, feel free to reach out.

Kind regards,
Maverick L.

Another option would be to try the latest version in the ARDK 2.x series. There should be less changes to make to you game. But as Maverick said we don’t support the legacy version anymore so we wouldn’t be of much help if any other issues come up.

Thanks folks - i’m going to have a go at ARDK 3 - I’m not actually using the shared meshing anymore anyway -
one thing that’s been really useful is MockMesh - so i load up a mesh of my room that i captured ages ago and use that to develop on in the editor - will that still work or will i need to do it another way?
what’s specifically useful is that it sets a bunch of mesh chunks and imitates exactly how they are setup on device.

You’re very welcome!

ARDK 3.x offers a new in-editor developer feature called Playback which allows you to emulate testing your app with your mobile device in your room as you mention. Please take a look at our How to Setup Playback guide in our documentation, and let me know if you have any additional questions or need clarification!

Maverick L.