Context Awareness Feature supported in iPhone 6S

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Semantic Segmentation
  • Device type & OS version: iPhone 6S/7 Below iPhone 8 & iOS 15.x
  • Host machine & OS version: macOS Big Sur 11.6.2
  • Issue Environment : Unity Hub & Unity Editor
  • Xcode version: 13.2.1
  • ARDK version: v1.1.0
  • Unity version: 2021.2.9f1

Description of the issue:

I am building the PoC for my final year project using ARDK and want to use Semantic Segmentation and overall Context Awareness Features. Wanted to know if this features work with iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 Device.

As on this url Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): ARDK System Requirements, it mentions of supporting the iPhone 8 device.

It would be helpful to know before i purchase the iPhone 6S/iPhone 7 for development purpose.


Hi Kanu,

Thank you for posting on our community forum.

We would not recommend getting an iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 since neither of those are on the list of validated devices to work with our awareness features. While you can attempt to develop on these and submit topics for any issue you run into, we cannot guarantee a solution.

The minimum device that supports the ARDK awareness features is an iPhone 8 but please note that it meets the bare minimum hardware/ software requirements, so some features may not perform as well and may not look as great as they would on a newer device.

Another thing to note is that these requirements are subject to change especially as augmented reality grows as a technology.