Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Semantic Segmentation
- Device type & OS version: iPhone 6S/7 Below iPhone 8 & iOS 15.x
- Host machine & OS version: macOS Big Sur 11.6.2
- Issue Environment : Unity Hub & Unity Editor
- Xcode version: 13.2.1
- ARDK version: v1.1.0
- Unity version: 2021.2.9f1
Description of the issue:
I am building the PoC for my final year project using ARDK and want to use Semantic Segmentation and overall Context Awareness Features. Wanted to know if this features work with iPhone 6S or iPhone 7 Device.
As on this url Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): ARDK System Requirements, it mentions of supporting the iPhone 8 device.
It would be helpful to know before i purchase the iPhone 6S/iPhone 7 for development purpose.