Unity Example Package
Platform: Android
Host machine & OS version: Windows
Issue Environment: Unity
ARDK version: 1.1.0
Unity version: 2019.4.34f1 LTS
Description of the issue:
Following the getting started tutorial I get these 2 errors when trying to enter play mode in the Segmentation Sample Scene.
System.DllNotFoundException: ardk_client_platform
at (wrapper managed-to-native) Niantic.ARDK.Configuration._NativeArdkConfig._NAR_ARDKGlobalConfigHelper_SetContextAwarenessUrl(string)
Exception: An exception occurred in a method subscribed to an ARDK event, check the device logs for more information
Niantic.ARDK.Utilities._CallbackQueue._ConsumeQueue () (at Assets/ARDK/Utilities/_CallbackQueue.cs:87)
Could you provide a github repository with a working examples project, i’m happy to setup with my license key etc.