Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Image Detection
- Device type & OS version: Android / iOS
- Host machine & OS version: Mac / Windows
- Issue Environment : On Device / Dev Portal
- **ARDK version1.0.1:
- **Unity versionUnity2019.4.33 & 2021.2:
Description of the issue:
Ive been trying to understand how to work with image detection with Lightship but im really struggling using the documentation.
The examples show using a jpg.bytes but I have no idea how to actually get my image into a file like this. I tried just getting Texture2D reference to the jpg and than calling GetRawTextureData() but when I do this and try to pass it into the ARReferenceImageFactory I get a null reference exception.
The other methods of getting a reference image in the documentation refer to using RawImage or string path. Using string path no matter how many different string formats I try, when I build the device cannot find the path. For example Path = “Assets/img008.jpg” or “Assets/Resources/img008.jpg” or just “Resources/img008.jpg” all dont work. I’ve also tried all with appending Application.persistentDataPath to the beginning of the path but to no avail.
For the final method using RawImage, im not 100% how this works. I can only assume this is not referring to Unity.UI’s RawImage.
Im sure im missing something easy, but I am completely lost. This is the first AR SDK i’ve used that doesnt accept just image textures. Any help would be appreciated.