Design of map customization outside of Unity


I don’t know if it’s a right question to ask, as I’m not very experienced in Unity, although I have a new project idea in mind. For UI designers who have been more comfortable working with Figma, is there any good tool for them to design the customization of Lightship Map outside of Unity? Or maybe it would be a feature you can add?


Hi there,

While I’m not familiar with Figma myself, I can confidently state that you can customize the theme of Lightship Maps from within the Unity Editor.

Is that what you’re referring to?

Kind regards,
Maverick L.

I know we can customize the map styles within Unity. But how about outside of Unity?

May I ask what you’re trying to accomplish?

You could always generate some of the map in-editor, export the geometry as a 3D model, and use something like Blender to change the colors.

I might need the UI designers who are more familiar with Figma to also design UI on top of the customized map. Right now I’m thinking whether they would need to learn Unity too.

For the best results, I would recommend advising UI designers with Unity knowledge as they will be able to use specific modules within the editor to make their designs a reality. Since this question isn’t directly related to a technical or implementation question, I would recommend soliciting the help of UI designers over on the Unity Forums.