Hi, I am trying to build the example scene VpsCoverageExample and VpsCoverageListExample from the unity lightship package and lightship hub but both of them don’t show me nothing. I think have well done ArdkAuthConfig key. I had ScrollingLog prefab but no error appeared.
How can we fix it ?
This discussion might help you.
Hello Hakim,
To develop an AR experience that uses Lightship VPS, you must first add the necessary ARDK components as outlined in The Basics tutorial (found under Learn → Guides → Getting Started on the Lightship.dev homepage).
Also, are you building for iOS or Android? If you’re building to Android, the link that @Voltaire shared provides many useful steps to troubleshoot a black screen issue. Please read through it and see if any of those suggestions solve your problem (please note that Unity 2019 is no longer officially supported by ARDK, so be sure to use Unity 2020 or later).
Please let us know if you are still having trouble after following the above steps. Thank you!
@von @Stacy_Niantic thank for your fast answer,
I find that the example scene VpsCoverageExample and VpsCoverageListExample
work differently on computer and phone.
on phone if you are not in a big city no wayshop will be find, so no image will show,
and on computer the result are faked with the mock response.
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