For the last 2 weeks, all VPS activations globally have quality Experimental/Fair. There is not a single activation that has turned out Production/Good. There is probably an issue that needs to be addressed.
Things I have tried to solve the problem:
- Nothing, it’s not a personal issue, it’s an issue every person has. There needs to be a fix on the Lightship side.
Yep, international chats describe this for multiple people.
What’s going on dear Niantic?
I just noticed three new waypoints that went production/good.
Hello everyone, and thank you all for your patience!
We have resolved an issue on our end that should fix the localizability score issues. You should see the scores updated properly very soon.
I posted about this 16 days ago, and emailed support. They were completely ignored. Apparently they select what threads and emails to read and ignore the rest.