Hi! Is there a way to access data displayed in the geospatial browser via an API? I know we have the VPS Coverage API, but it’s only gives you location name, geoposition and a hint image. I would be interested in accessing the category (Art, Buildings, Outdooes, etc) as well as being able to display unactivated POIs. I don’t actually want to use the VPS meshes, I just want to display POIs with image to user wherever they are in the real world. It seems the amount of POIs returned by the VPS Coverage API is way less then what I can see in the geospatial browser.
Hey Adam,
Unfortunately, at this time, we don’t have a public API for the Geospacial Browser.
For the other part of your post, the Wayspots you’re seeing in the Geospatial Browser which you’re not seeing in the Coverage API, are they all public scans or private scans that you’ve created or a mix of both public and private?
Lastly, are you using ARDK 2.5.2 or the ARDK 3 Beta?
Hi! What I am not seeing in the Coverage API are the not activated public wayspots. And I am using ARDK 2.5.2.
Hey Adam,
When you query for Wayspots, the ScanTarget that is returned does have a Localizability enum value. There are 4, but you just need to worry about PRODUCTION, EXPERIMENTAL, and NOT_ACTIVATED. It sounds like currently the Wayspots that are not activated are being filtered out, so you just want to make sure you check that if the localizability is NOT_ACTIVATED, you’re still adding it to your results.