Ground segmentation masking blocking AR objects in scene

Hi, I’m curious, using semantic masking is there a way to render the ground and not have it block other AR objects in the scene? I’m trying to apply a texture to the ground using semantic masking in URP, but as it creates a UI image and applies the texture to it, it blocks other AR objects on the ground. Or if there’s a better way to texture the ground please point me in the right direction.

Hi @Andrew_R_Towl,

We’re investigating this issue at this time and will get back to you shortly with additional guidance!

Hello Andrew,

Sorry to be reaching out late. Rob, my colleague who was assisting you during the time you submitted this topic, has left the team and working through his backlog I’ve noticed topics that haven’t gotten a reply. I’m wondering if you’re still having issues with this and if so, is there any new information you can provide so we can pick this up where it last left off?