Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Lightship Maps / Semantic Segmentation / Multiplayer / Real-time Mapping-Depth / ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package / Sample App aka ‘AR Voyage’ / ARDK Virtual Studio Tools / Developer Tools / Networking / VPS / Scanning Framework
- Device type & OS version: Android / iOS / Other Ex. iPhone 8+ on iOS 13
- Host machine & OS version: Mac / Windows / Linux / Other Ex. Mac on Big Sur x.x
- Issue Environment : Unity Remote / Unity Mock / On Device / Dev Portal
- Xcode version:
- ARDK version: 3.0
- Unity version: 2022.3.18f
Description of the issue:
I am trying to install the lighthub unity package for ardk 3.0 version but iam stuck how to install the lightshiphub unity package