Hi guys,
Trying out the ARDK
The Focal Length of the depth image and rgb image is very small.
How do you use this focal length?
So this focallength is not expressed in pixels ?
I have to multiply it with the depth.Width and depth.Height?
I am expecting bigger values so that i can use it as the camera matrix as in OpenCV OpenCV: Camera Calibration .
depth.Width = 144
depth.Height = 256
depth.Intrinsics.PrincipalPoint = “(72.0, 128.0)”
depth.Intrinsics.FocalLength = “(6.7, 5.7)”
For the RGB I get
private void _FrameUpdated(FrameUpdatedArgs args)
var session = _session;
if (session == null)
IARFrame frame = args.Frame;
if (frame == null)
IARCamera camera = args.Frame.Camera;
_stringBuilderRGB.AppendLine($" Resolution: {camera.CPUImageResolution.width} {camera.CPUImageResolution.height} {camera.CPUImageResolution.refreshRate}");
_stringBuilderRGB.AppendLine($" FocalLength: {camera.CPUIntrinsics.FocalLength.x} {camera.CPUIntrinsics.FocalLength.y}");
_stringBuilderRGB.AppendLine($" PrincipalPoint: {camera.CPUIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.x} {camera.CPUIntrinsics.PrincipalPoint.y}");
Resolution: 1080 2244 0
FocalLength: 50 50
PrincipalPoint: 540 1122
A focallength of 50 is way too small no?