Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: ARDK Documentation / Developer Tools
- Device type & OS version: Android
- Host machine & OS version: Mac / Windows
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version: N/A
- ARDK version: 2.4.1
- Unity version: 2021
Bug reproduction steps:
I have created a new blank project on Mac for iOS using the default prefabs provided with the ARDK 2.4.1. Following the iOS instructions, this all works fine.
However, when I try to build from Android, following all the instructions (which are in several places which is tremendously annoying, especially adding URP in the mix), this results in a black screen.
Things then get weird by changing the setup of the Scene.
- Using the ARDK Scene Manager prefab - works on iOS - Black screen on Android (even adding the Android Permissions checker)
- Adding the Depth Manager to the camera makes it work on Android (not required on iOS)
This is truly baffling, especially when compared to all the example scenes, including the AR Voyage sample, use various different setup patterns and configurations.
- Create a new URP project
- Add the ARSDK and configure the license (there really should be a menu option to automatically create this for you)
- Remove the default camera.
- Find the ARSessionManager prefab (buried in “extensions\prefabs” ??) and add this to the scene
- Add the Android Permissions Requester to the Session Manager object - Permissions — Niantic Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit release-2.4.1 documentation
- Configure all the URP things, Graphics and Quality settings to use the ARDK profile - Using the Universal Render Pipeline — Niantic Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit release-2.4.1 documentation
- Update all the Android settings from - Building ARDK Apps for Android — Niantic Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit release-2.4.1 documentation
- Update the Gradle manifest to set the gradle version
- Update the Android Manifest to include the ARCore settings
(I tried to add the links to the docs but the forum stopped me)
Build and Run the project and you get a Blank screen? (even though this works on iOS)
Replication 2
Repeat the above but manually add the AR Depth Manager to the camera
Now works on Android too, so the depth manager should be part of the base prefab.
P.S. there really should be better documentation on getting started with 2.4.1, focusing on a single page that lists everything you need to do to setup for each platform without having to fail, search for help, find more docs and then rinse/repeat until something works. It should just work “out of the box”, something like:
- Create new project
- Add ARDK asset
- Hit a button to configure the scene
- Have a checker that validates the configuration options for the runtime platform (settings, manifests, etc)
- Build and Run.
5 minutes to get a user up and running.