Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: ARDK Sample Code
- Device type & OS version: iOS
- Host machine & OS version: Mac
- Issue Environment : Unity Remote / Unity Mock / On Device / Dev Portal
- Xcode version:15.0.1
- ARDK version:3.5
- Unity version:2021.3.33f1
Bug reproduction steps:
Add selfie camera to ARDK sample Textured Mesh. (My app needs selfie camera for eye tracking. )
Click ´Build Setting´. ´Build´ only is OK.
When I click ´Build And Run´, Xcode will show the following error message.
Here is the source code. You can use it directly.
Target ‘Unity-iPhone’ (project ‘Unity-iPhone’) has copy command from ‘/Users/davidwu/Documents/Project/Unity/ARGlass-main/build/Frameworks/com.nianticlabs.lightship/Runtime/Plugins/iOS/LightshipARDK.framework’ to ‘/Users/davidwu/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Unity-iPhone-gevagrmdlzfzsyfsyhwxzayxtnrp/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/’