Before I go down a hole, I would appreciate any help with some direction I am wanting to create a “turn-based” AR game using Lightship
People can drop objects in areas and other people can view and interact with the objects.
ie it doesn’t have to be in real time, purely “turn-based” Not sure if I should got the Multiplayer direction using SharedAR (location manager) Is this overkill?
Eg of a user story:
- I open app and browse my local area
- I then Drop (spawn) an Object
- The next day, another user browses the same area and see the objects I dropped and picks them up
Isn’t it easier to Place Objects and store the location / info in an online DB?
I am using this tutorial: Do you think this is the right direction or is there something a bit more simpler? Also can you suggest any more up to date tutorials?
I am also trying Emoji Garden, however it’s a pain to get started, there is always errors.
Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Multiplayer
- Device type & OS version: Android
- Host machine & OS version: Mac
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version:
- ARDK version: 3
- Unity version: 2022.3.81
Description of the issue: