Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
Issue category: Unity
Device type & OS version: Android
Host machine & OS version: Windows
Issue Environment : Unity
ARDK version: 2.1
Unity version: 2021.3.5f1
Bug reproduction steps:
- Switch to new input settings
- Import Input System package
- See errors about PlatformAgnosticInput and Legacy namespace
Unity is really pushing the new input system and I think ardk should definitely support it without issues!
Hello Dylan,
The new input system is supported by ARDK, but not in ARDK-examples. However you should be able to set **Active Input Handling **to Both if you want to use the new system in your own code while preventing error messages from being thrown by ARDK’s need for the old system in PlatformAgnosticInput
and Legacy
We also have some documentation on what to do when deciding which input you want to use.
Please let us know if any of this helps unblock you.
Using both is terrible for CPU performance. That’s a hack, not a solution
Hi Dylan,
Thanks for your feedback. I understand that this is frustrating. As Jason mentioned, you should be able to integrate the new input system without any issues as of v2.0. The example packages (including the Lightship Hub templates) aren’t compatible with the new system but the ARDK in and of itself is. We can definitely put in a feature request to the team to consider having the example packages support the new input system in a future release. In the meantime, if you don’t want to use the work around of implementing both input systems due to performance concerns you can remove the example packages which should resolve the errors and allow you to use just the new input system.