I received x14 emails on the 26th saying my wayspots had not being accepted. This is weeks after they had been accepted, and I’ve been using them, after a hell of a lot of work to get them scanned and accepted. I don’t see any criteria that I have failed and there are some that remain in the same area. When I go to contest it it says there is no account under my Gmail! What on earth is going on?!!!
Here are some of them
Stanton Drew Northeast circle Stone f
Stanton Drew Great circle stone x
Stanton Drew great ring entrance
We are currently investigating the issue, and I will reach out to you again as soon as I have more information. We appreciate your patience while we look into it.
We identified the cause of the issue and have resolved it. Your wayspots should now be restored like they were before, but please let me know if you’re still experiencing any issues. We apologize for the inconvenience.