Please tell me how to correctly position the "mesh" placed on the "Anchor"

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: VPS
  • Device type & OS version: iphone11 pro / iOS 15.5
  • Host machine & OS version: macOS Monterey version 12.4
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version: 13.4
  • ARDK version: 2.0.0
  • Unity version: 2020.3.35f1

Description of the issue:
“mesh” obtained from “Private Test Meshs” is placed in “Anchor” of “WayspotAnchors”.

However, the “Anchor” is placed by touching the screen when it is “Loacalized”, but the alignment of the “mesh” is not accurate. I cannot position the “mesh” correctly.

This causes the “Gameobject” placed on the “mesh” to be out of alignment.

Please tell me how to correctly position the “mesh” placed on the “Anchor”.

Please help.

Hello Noriko,

If a private 3D mesh converted from your Private Scan looks precisely, the 3D map constructed for VPS should be good too. Make sure to increase the number of viewpoints the object is scanned from by moving around to make localization better.
Note that each scan clip will not be merged into one single mesh for VPS. They will be available in the Lightship .dev developer portal as individual meshes.
Please refer to the Best Practices for Private Scans section in the Scanning Best Practices details.

Hope this information helps!

Hello Umamiya,
Thanks for your reply.

Do you mean that the 3D mesh converted from your private scan contains GPS coordinates and location information?

I have a 3D mesh converted from your private scan.
REPLACE ME]" in “Template VPS Wayspot Anchors”.
object in “Template VPS Wayspot Anchors”.
Can the “3D mesh converted from a private scan” be aligned?

Hi Norika,

Yes, the 3D mesh converted from the user’s private scan contains GPS coordinates. So you can find locations with the help of latitude and longitude coordinates easily.
Unfortunately, the “3D mesh converted from a private scan” can not be aligned as the private scan meshes only exist in the Lightship server to be checked against for localization.

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