Hi Sadao,
Thanks for writing in! Please see the answers to your questions below:
Using Wayfar in a location where the Wayspot registered VPS is disabled. When I do a 3D scan and send data where the VPS is not activated, I get a message asking me to do more 3D scans. Do I have to do more than one 3D scan for a public VPS?
Correct, in order for a Wayspot to become VPS-enabled multiple scans are needed. There is typically a minimum of 10 scans needed in order to ensure that the Wayspot has enough data for users to be able to reliably localize. It helps to also generate scans in a number of conditions such as different times of day, lighting, etc. The greater the number and variety of scans, the more robust that Wayspot will be.
Where is the decision made between Production and Experimental for Public VPS?
The difference between ‘Experimental’ and ‘Production’ Wayspots has to do with the number and quality of scans. If a Wayspot doesn’t have enough scans or enough variety of environmental conditions within the scans associated with it, then typically the Wayspot will be marked as ‘Experimental’. This means that although you should be able to localize in most cases there may be times when localizability isn’t as reliable.
Is Experimental a VPS activated by Niantic for experimental purposes, or is it always Production for me and others?
As mentioned above, these are terms that refer mostly to the robustness of a given Wayspot. A VPS activated Wayspot can be used in your application regardless of whether it’s marked ‘Experimental’ or ‘Production’. You can confidently use a ‘Production’ Wayspot knowing that it’ll work in a number of different conditions whereas ‘Experimental’ Wayspots you may find to be less reliable.
Is it possible to download the 3D scan data files to a public VPS as well as a private VPS?
Sorry, just to clarify, if you’re asking if it’s possible to upload multiple scans to a private Wayspot the way you can for a public one, at this time there is no way to submit multiple scans to a private Wayspot. My understanding is that this is by design as private Wayspots were created to be used primarily for testing and development. If you are asking if it’s possible to download a mesh from a public Wayspot the way you can from a private one, then the answer is not yet. The good news is this feature will be coming available on the Lightship.dev portal within the next few weeks. A specific date for when this new feature will be available has not yet been released. More information can be found on our roadmap
I would like to import the 3D scanned data file into my application and use it with occlusion applied. I ask this question because I could not find a 3D scanned model of the Public VPS.
There currently is no publicly available way for Lightship ARDK developers to gain access to a Public Wayspot’s mesh at this time. As mentioned, this will be a feature available to developers in the near future.
I would like to develop a Lightship VPS app by a location not in wayspot using ARDK.
The best thing to do would be to see if the location you want to develop for can be added as a public Wayspot. Please see our eligibility requirements for more information. The easiest way to nominate a Wayspot is right from the Wayfarer application by using the ‘+WAYSPOT’ button to start the nomination process.
Alternatively, you can submit Wayspot nominations via a csv file.
Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.