Hi Lightship team!
I’m a React Native dev. I’m really interested in using Lightship, mostly because of the multiplayer functionalities (compared to other solutions like Snap camera or Banuba).
Are there plans to create a RN library to bridge the ARSDK?
Hello Franco,
Nothing to announce at the moment regarding React Native support on our roadmap, but I’ve logged a feature request for future consideration. If there’s anything specific you’d like to add to the request, please let me know. Thanks.
Hello, Lightship Team! Any update here? Our team is also using the cross platform React Native framework. Are there any bridges linking the two (RN & Lightship) currently?
If not, if we can achieve this with custom bridges, what might the development lift look like / entail, and would it impact the speed, performance…etc. of a shared / multiplayer application that is geo-location based?
Thank you!