Recently VPS Activated Wayspots are invisible from Geospatial Browser

With Ingress’ new scan method, any activated wayspot scanned on Ingress app disappears from the Geospatial Browser due to these waypoints being marked as N/A instead of experimental or production.

  • Issue category: Lightship Maps / VPS
  • Device type & OS version: All Devices
  • Host machine & OS version: All Devices
  • Issue Environment : Dev Portal

Bug reproduction steps:

  • Scan the waypoint in Ingress, using the version at least 2.145.3.
  • After getting enough good scans, start activation progress.
  • Wait for the activation progress to end and get “VPS: Activated” status.

Expected Results:
The wayspot should get one of the two tags: “Experimental” or “Production”. Then, you can view the wayspot on Geospatial Browser.

Actual Result:
The wayspot gets “N/A” tag and does not appear on Geospatial Browser since “N/A” is not a filterable category.


First Image: Wayspot loaded from direct link (Categorized as “N/A”)
Second Image: Geospatial Browser when wayspot loaded from direct link
Third Image: Geospatial Browser in the bugged state (Wayspot that is categorized as “N/A” is missing)


This forum community as well as the Geospatial browser on the Lighthship portal are intended for developers creating projects with Niantic Lightship only. To get assistance with Ingress, please reach out to their support team.