RequestCoverageAreas not showing Wayspots near me

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: VPS
  • Device type & OS version: iPhone 11 Pro on iOS 15.5
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac on Monterey 12.2
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version: 13.4
  • ARDK version: 2.0
  • Unity version: 2021.3.5f1

Description of the issue:
I am running the VPS example. The RequestCoverageAreas returns an empty list when I used it even with max radius. The debug console shows that the query uses my current location (lat+lon). Why is the API giving me an empty list when the Wayfarer app gives me a few wayspots at my current location?

Note: using the spoof location gives me a few items as expected

Hi Voltaire,

We tested the VpsCoverageListExample sample scene and we were able to receive responses from the coverage API relevant for our area with the scene running on-device.

Can you confirm the following information?

  1. When you say you’re running the VPS example, are you referring to the VpsCoverageListExample included in the ARDK Example Scenes?
  2. With the iPhone 11 Pro attached via USB, are any error statements output to Xcode’s Output window?
  3. Can you confirm that your device has an active internet connection?
  4. If you have a VPN enabled on-device, try de-activating the VPN while testing.

Thanks for replying rob.

  1. When you say you’re running the VPS example, are you referring to the VpsCoverageListExample included in the ARDK Example Scenes?
    Yes that is correct

  2. With the iPhone 11 Pro attached via USB, are any error statements output to Xcode’s Output window?
    This is one of the things that I checked first. Just to clarify what I meant earlier about the debug console, it is the one that prints out the message that starts with “No areas found at…”. It includes the info about my location and query radius.

  3. Can you confirm that your device has an active internet connection?
    Yes there was and I’m sure it’s working well that time because I tested Wayfarer at the same time. I did the test multiple times going to my test app then to Wayfarer refreshing each and comparing them. Also since the Spoof location works it means I had an internet connection. I also tried changing the coordinates (lat+lng) of the spoof location and wayspots are loaded.

  4. If you have a VPN enabled on-device, try de-activating the VPN while testing.
    No I don’t.

Again, my biggest concern here is that the Wayfarer works at the same time I am testing my test app that doesn’t work. Wayfarer can find the wayspots and it’s actually fast. It can also show me wayspots on other areas of the globe when I searched and the query was fast.

It may be the case that the wayspots near your location are not VPS-activated. You can either check each of the wayspots’ VPS-activation status in the Wayfarer app, or you can verify VPS-activated wayspot locations by searching the VPS Coverage Map located in the Lightship portal.

If the wayspots are not yet VPS-activated, you can help improve VPS coverage by using the Wayfarer app to submit public scans of the wayspots, which will then become VPS-activated after processing a sufficient amount of public scans.

Hi Rob, I missed the part where I had to check those locations as VPS activated. I assumed that since the Wayfarer app showed those up that I can also query them with the API. I made that assumption because one location has a nearby POI that doesn’t show up in Wayfarer.

I made 2-4 scans of each location near me then submitted those. Does 2-4 count as “sufficient amount of public scans”? I’m aware that nominating a place as a wayspot can take up to 2 days. How about the public scans so those can be VPS activated, how long from the time of upload do locations become VPS-activated?

When using the Wayfarer app to search for VPS-activated wayspots, you can tap the VPS button to filter out non-VPS-activated wayspots and make it easier to find a VPS-activated location.

Generally speaking, five or six complete scanning processes with the Wayfarer app (with each process completing a sequence of five one-minute scans) can often generate enough good data to activate a wayspot for VPS experiences. However, the more scans for a wayspot the better. In order for a non-VPS-activated wayspot to become VPS-activated, scans containing a variety of lighting conditions, weather circumstances, and times of day are required to create a robust representation of the wayspot for reliable localization. Because of this, sometimes additional scans with a higher variety of conditions may be required before VPS-activation occurs.

As this feature is quite new, we’re working to improve this process and you can watch the Announcements section for more information as it becomes available.

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