Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Scanning Framework
- Device type & OS version: iPad Pro 11th generation
- Host machine & OS version: Mac OS 13.3.1 (a) (22E772610a)
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version:
- ARDK version: 2.5.2
- Unity version: 2020.3.1f1
Bug reproduction steps:
We are loading the scanning feature, via Additively
Where we are scanning a product as well as getting around 240 camera poses after the scan is completed. If we do this process continously, then every 3rd time, the app is crashing.
The Error displayed is
Hello M Mohan,
I’ll mention here as well that iPads are unfortunately not currently one of our supported devices. You can find our list of supported devices from our documentation here.
Please keep an eye on the Announcements page for future updates!
Hi @Stacy_Niantic
In your above reply, you gave this documentation link : Development and Runtime Requirements of ARDK — Niantic Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit release-2.5.2 documentation
I’m replying for the most of the system requirement questions.
ARDK is officially supported on Unity 2020 LTS and Unity 2021 LTS.
Tested with the above LTS versions.
The project was being implemented in 2020.3.1f1.
Also tested to 2021.3.xf1 LTS versions too.
The officially supported Scripting Runtime Version in Unity is .NET 4.x Equivalent.
Yes runtime version was set to 4.x
minimum version 13 : Yes, the version was set
Developing with ARDK requires Mac OS Big Sur or better. Mac OS Catalina and earlier are not supported.
Yes using Mac OS, Ventura latest one, included the latest Xcode too.
- Tested the application with iPad Pro 11th generation with iOS version 16.4.1 , as well as iphone 12 pro with iOS version 16.x.x.
Hello M Mohan,
As with your other ticket, I will focus on support for your iPhone 12 Pro to try and resolve the issue.
Could you please clarify the process you took to use the Scanning Framework? Are you creating a different scene and using the LoadSceneMode.Additive as described in the Unity documentation to load the Scanning scene?
If you could please provide any specific steps or changes you made to your scene(s) to help us reproduce the error, it would greatly help us troubleshoot.
Yes @Stacy_Niantic
Are you creating a different scene and using the LoadSceneMode.Additive ?
Yes @Stacy_Niantic , I’m doing the exact thing.
After that, once the scanning is done, and we will export, obj file, object’s texture and along with the scan frames around 240 max (for 1 sec we will save 3 scan frames).
Hello M Mohan,
Metal issues relate to the GPU, so it could be that you have a resource that isn’t being allocated/deallocated properly and causing a crash.
That being said, could you please describe the process you’re taking to export your scan? Are you using an in-house processing method? Are you exporting it to another device or another app on the same device, etc.
For clarification, could you please also describe exactly when the error and crash occur? Is it while the scan is processing after it has been exported? Are any errors occurring before you export? If you could please provide us with the full error code, that would also help us investigate.