Please provide the information below to help resolve your issue:
What device are you using?
What is your host machine and OS version?
What version of ARDK are you using?
What version of Unity are you using?
Provide a screenshot of your Inspector view.
Where exactly do you want the object to appear?
Yes, the segment function is either enabled (value is 1) or disabled (value is 0) depending on whether a part of an object in that class is determined to exist at that pixel.
Where exactly do you want the object to appear?
I would like to show the object that is occluded from buildings.
Can you watch my upload video?
Is it correctly? I think, if I set the sky channels to be suppressed and correctly work, object can not appear front of building.
It appears correctly. The object is being occluded by the building. To turn the object around click the object and move the arrow to the direction of your choice.
Hi Kento,
It appears you have the sky suppressed correctly. It could be that the building and sky are similar in color and may cause confusion within ARDK. I would suggest trying in front of a different color building if possible. Please let me know your results.