MacOs 13.0.1
- **ARDK version2.3:
- **Unity version*2020.3.36f1 *:
Android s10 v12
Android s8 as peer v9
Description of the issue:
I’m running into a couple of different issues pertaining to the shared object interaction template. The first being it takes an extremely long time for the object to appear. Even when it’s just the host. Does this have to do with the object being shared over network? Once it’s placed the expected interactions, shrink/grow and spin work just fine from both devices. I don’t seem to have the same placement issues with the Shared host and Peer example, the cars appear right away when I tap a plane.
The second is more of a question, if I wanted a player to physically touch their phone to an object and have it move, this would usually be done with colliders and rigidbodys. However this interaction doesn’t seem to get broadcast and updated on the other phone on the network. How would I go about broadcasting the physics interaction. I think this is how the hockey or pong examples would function, but I haven’t gotten either of them to work yet.
Thanks in advance for any help.