Simulation with Shared AR Image tracking

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Multiplayer
  • Host machine & OS version: Windows
  • Issue Environment : Unity
  • Unity version: 2022.3.57f1

Description of the issue:
According to the documentation for simulation
Inside the simulation, ARFoundation features such as Plane Tracking and Image Tracking work alongside Lightship features like Meshing, Semantics, and Object Tracking.

However, I am unable to trigger the image for the shared AR in a simulation even if I create an environment that has this image and has the Simulated Tracked Image component.

Do we have to build every one to test if image tracking is working for image-shared AR?
Is there a way to detect when the image has been found? the shared AR seems to default to surface tracking and so there is no way to know if the image is found even if the OnColocalizationTrackingStateChanged event is called

Looking at te SharedSpaceManager.cs I see that the image tracking skips the creation of the arImageTrackerManager if the app is running in the unity editor
Is there a reason for this? can this be prevented to allow some simulation to run with the image tracking?

Hi Ana,

I sincerely apologize for the delay in response. We’ve been having technical difficulties with our internal systems.

Our ARDK relies on AR Foundation for image tracking, and --unfortunately-- image tracking isn’t supported on Windows or Mac OS. In order to ensure image tracking is working properly, you will have to deploy to a target platform device and test there.

While using image tracking colocalization, the SharedSpaceManager will invoke the “sharedSpaceManagerStateChanged” event when AR Foundation is able to track the image you’ve specified. That event has a struct called SharedSpaceManagerStateChangeEventArgs which has a bool called “Tracking.” To identify when the image has been found, hook into that event and check for when the aforementioned struct has true for the “Tracking” bool.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification!

Kind regards,
Maverick L.