Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Lightship Maps / VPS / Scanning Framework
- Device type & OS version: Android
- Host machine & OS version: Windows
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Unity version: 2021.3
Description of the issue:
I still can’t figure out how private scans work…
Many “Actived” scans in Paris (France) are not visually accurate (Eiffel Tower for example).
If I do the scans myself, do I have to do at least 5 scans at different times? Because that takes a lot of time for one location.
If someone wants to scan a location in their city (where I don’t live) so that I can place a 3D asset, do they also have to do several scans and wait for LightShip activation?
And how and why does LightShip accept scans in a city (in Paris, over 50% of scans are of poor quality).
Thanks for the answers 
Hello! There are two ways to create VPS-activated locations: Public locations and Test scans. Public locations require 10+ viable public scans for first time activation or 5+ for reactivation. Test scans are private scans of a location for testing and development. Additionally, test scans require only one scan to be uploaded in order to be used. That is to say that you do not need to upload multiple test scans to the same private location, nor should you upload test scans to public locations. Depending on the project you’re working on and needs for the project, you could opt for test scans such that you can get the 3D assets without the interference of other scans. You could read more about using test scans here or public locations here. Lastly, not all scans are accepted. If a scan meets one or more items on the rejection criteria as seen here, then the scan will not be accepted to the public location.