Is there a version in the works that will support Unity 6?
Unity 6 is imminently due to release, so I would have expected that a version must have been in the works for the past year but not yet released.
I’ve forked the repository currently and performed a manual upgrade, which for the most part is just the upgraded U6 API, although the ScriptableRenderPipeline to RenderGraph updates are more intensive.
At the moment we don’t have a supported version of Unity 6 but given that there was just an LTS version released for it yesterday, it would be something to start exploring (we normally don’t support a Unity version until it starts having LTS releases)
At the moment there is no solid timeline though but be on the lookout for future updates 
Yeah, this is something that I am very interested in as well. We just upgraded our engine to Unity 6 and realized Lightship throws a bunch of errors and that was very disappointing.
What is the usual cadence for a new LTS release in that when does a Lightship support release follow after?
I have created a Unity 6 compatible fork of the SDK for now, if desired, I can share it.
I had to sacrifice Occlusion, as the features used by Niantic’s implementation are now retired and I do not have the time now to update it to the latest GraphAPI. I also removed the simulator, which we were not using anyway, for the same reason.
Otherwise, it is working fine.
Just out of curiosity, I saw that the ARDK version was never mentioned. This is for ARDK 3.x, correct? Not the new deprecated 2.5?
Any updated regarding this? We were planning on taking advantage of Lightship’s features but our project is using Unity 6
hi @Christian our team is working on getting ARDK to work with Unity 6. We don’t have a timeline for when support for Unity 6 will be available. For now, the latest version that is supported is 2022.3.37