Include the following details (edit as applicable): Unity unable to build Xcode project to Mac Finder
- Issue category: Multiplayer / Networking
- Device type & OS version: iOS project
- Host machine & OS version: Mac
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version: 13.4.1
- ARDK version: 2.1.0
- Unity version: 2021.3.7f1
Description of the issue:
Hello! First time posting here.
I’m having an issue getting Unity to build out my Xcode project so I can see if from the Finder. I followed the Shared Object Detection tutorial from Lightship (Shared Object Interaction – Niantic Lightship) and it keeps failing. Tried recreating it from scratch a few times.
When I follow the ARDK Ball Demo (here: The Basics – Niantic Lightship) this version of Unity and Xcode are building to the Finder as expected and I am able to deploy to my iPhone so it’s not completely not working.
However when I use the Shared Object Interaction demo, I cannot get Unity to output the Xcode project to the Finder.
Can anyone help? Has anyone else run into this issue? Thanks a bunch!