As some Lightship community members have reported, there are some scenes and components in version 1.1.0 of ARDK, and its related example package, that can cause an error when entering play mode. This is because ARDK isn’t yet officially supported on M1 Macs as of version 1.1.0, which as a result is leading to that particular error, and its associated behavior of displaying a black screen in the editor’s play mode window. Rest assured that we are working on the issue, and that it will be addressed in a future release of ARDK as we work to add M1 compatibility. In the meantime, you should still be able to use the posted workaround to try out ARDK on M1 Macs, and you should also be able to build projects that will work on an Android or iOS device using that workaround. Only play mode in the Unity editor should be affected by the issue at this time. Thanks for your patience as we continue to work on resolving the issue! Error System.DllNotFoundException: TODO_DOES_NOT_EXIST