we as a company developing on a bigger project which relies on ARDK. The news that ARDK now supports AR Foundation is awesome. However since we are developing this for a while(1+ years) it is needed to update from 2.5.1 to 3.0. But using your “great and detailed” migration guide as you described it in the presentation video is actually very very cheeky, almost a joke to be honest. We would actually welcome if you could write an actually detailed migration guide for this update since we are fighting with the migration since a couple of hours and have an incompileable project where no end is in sight.
Looking forward to your detailed migration guide. Thanks
Hey Daniel,
Just as a reminder, we are on Beta 1 of the ARDK 3.0 and just as the features, the documentation is a work in progress that is prone to change and improve as we get closer to the official release.
Having said that, if you need help migrating I’m going to need specifics. “this is bad, make it better” is just not constructive feedback for me and I can’t really help you get unstuck with just that either.
What are you getting stuck in? What information are you trying to find that’s not there? What are the errors that you are getting that you can’t find the solution to?
Hi @Gilberto! I’m just trying test your examples from niantic-lightship/ardk-samples and facing with issue → DllNotFoundException: ARDK assembly: type: member:(null)
Niantic.Lightship.AR.LightshipUnityContext.Initialize (Niantic.Lightship.AR.Loader.LightshipSettings settings, System.Boolean isDeviceLidarSupported, System.Boolean isTest) (at Library/PackageCache/com.nianticlabs.lightship@99ba3966301d/Runtime/AppContext/LightshipUnityContext.cs:95)
Can can you give some advices for safety upgrade from 2.5.2 version? Also I didn’t find where I can set MockEnvironment, like in 2.5.2 version
@Andrey_Backulev ,
So lets start with the mock environments as that is the most direct answer:
As of now, ARDK 3.0 does not have Mock environments like 2.5.x. We recommend using the playback functionality to test instead.
On the dll error, can you walk me through how you tried to test the samples and when are you seeing this error? Is it when running a sample, when building to device or when opening the editor?
Finally on upgrading, you can read our guide here but if you have specific questions let me know.
hmmm I need some way to reproduce this in order to help you… can you walk me through how you downloaded the samples and are trying to build the samples?
Hey @Andrey_Backulev ,
sorry for hte lack of response here, I’m checking in on previous tickets and was wondering since we’ve had a couple of releases since, have you been able to run the samples?
I also have a lot of errors when trying to upgrade to ARDK 3, I followed your migration guide but I still get tons of errors due to incompatibility with my code that was written for ARDK 2.x. Also when I deleted the ARDK folder for some reason all of my materials disappeared. Is there another more detailed guide for migrating that involves what exact namespaces to use, and what are the equivalents of ARSessionStateChangedEventArgs, PlatformAgnosticInput and others since I’m getting errors on most of my code that worked prefectly before and its really hard to find solutions on the internet.
Hello @Alema_Husic can you please submit a new topic outlining the parts of ARDK 2 that you’re having trouble converting over to 3 along with any error messages you’re getting as well.