Now that 8th wall is a part of Niantic, are there any future plans to integrate their web AR functionality into Lightship at some future date?
I believe that it could be crucial in some circumstances for adoption of AR to make it easy for people to share AR experiences by a simple url.
If it’s not possible yet than what exactly is the biggest hurdle to getting this to work? Would love to hear some thoughts on this from the community
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Hello Merijn,
The feature of integrating the 8th wall and Lightship is already on our roadmap as in progress. You should be able to use it in the coming future releases. You can always check our roadmap for more information on updates and features that we plan to roll out in the coming months.
Link to Roadmap:
Also, check out this Keynote speech from the Lightship Summit for more information,
Thanks for the reply! I already have some web AR projects planned so i’m looking forward to trying it out in an upcoming release then. Still i can’t find it in anywhere on the roadmap however unless i’m looking at the wrong place.