What do you think of the new community platform?

Let us know what you like and what you don’t! This is your space and we want it to work for you!
-Hali and the Community Team


Exciting times! Thanks for putting this together :slight_smile: One thought — if it’s going to be mostly devs here, would it be handy to include a link to the Lightship docs for easy access? That way when discussing a topic, if we need to look up something in the docs there’s a quick link at the top for it?


Also — if this is going to slowly become the source for finding info on how to solve common issues the community has had, we really should bring across some of the common Slack threads somehow that we were often using to help new devs out, like this one as an example: Sign in to Niantic, Inc. | Slack

Would be a shame to lose those answers for new friends trying to get started!


Love this idea! We are adding this to the list!


I will check into this, @Patrick_Catanzariti !

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Also one other idea — it would be neat to have a way for people in the community to be able to tag their profiles with what they have experience in (e.g. a tag for meshing, a tag for multiplayer, a tag for segmentation… etc), and have them accessible in a way to help people find others in the community who might have experience in what they’re trying to do with their app.


It’s nice. Pretty cool.

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This cracked me up

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I like it. Looking forward to the launch!


Forum is great. Excited for the launch! :slight_smile:


Loving the forum, engaging and easy to use! Can’t wait till Monday :smile:

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You might want to edit the welcome post :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Joel! Done!

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Thanks for getting this setup, looks great!


Love the feels :1st_place_medal: :smiley_cat: :cat: :smiley_cat:


Hey Brian!! Love that adventure sync is in Ingress now. Now I can still gain km for my Trekker medal while catching Pokémon or planting flowers with my Pikmin.

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@CasGroenigen Adventure Sync is a really interesting cross-game feature. I’m interested to investigate cross-game achievements, too (for example, X distance walked across all games?).

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