Why cant I give LatLng a value in the inspector?

Hi guys, so this was giving me quite a headache, I tried to use
private void PlaceObject(LatLng pos) => prefabGOP.PlaceInstance(pos);
but that needed LatLng, after many hours I found out i needed to import
using Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Core.Coordinates;
to use LatLng, then I was happy and I thought my issue was fixed, all i had to do was add a custom LatLng, which I assumed would just mainly be latitude and longitude so I did this
[SerializeField] LatLng LatLngs;
[SerializeField] LatLng LatLng;
in both cases I could not edited the latLng
(Ps this code runs but just doesnt spawn the object inthe correct pos)
if I use an array then I can at least see it in the inspector but making just one LatLng shows nothing

and lastly I even tried editing the lat and long values myself like this
LatLng.Latitude = 1;
LatLng.Longitude = 1;
that gave me the error
Assets\spawnButWork.cs(25,13): error CS0191: A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or init-only setter of the type in which the field is defined or a variable initializer)

but the problem is I dont even know where LatLng is defined so I can’t edit it

the sad thing is that I’m guessing LatLng has many cool features in it, but tbh I just need to pass the location or coordinates to place instantiate, if you know how to that or to edit the LatLng it would be greatly appreciated

i have just learned that maybe i should using a map feature spawner
but that gives me the error of
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Samples.GameSample.MapFeaturePrefabSpawner.Build (Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Core.IMapTile mapTile, UnityEngine.GameObject parent) (at Assets/Samples/Lightship Maps SDK/0.4.0/Map-Based Resource Game/Scripts/MapFeaturePrefabSpawner.cs:27)
Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Internal.MapTileObject.BuildStandardBuilder (Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Builders.IFeatureBuilder builder, Niantic.Lightship.Maps.MapTileObjectHelpers.TilePair tile) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.niantic.lightship.maps@fb4247cae5/Runtime/Niantic.Lightship.Maps/Internal/MapTileObject.Async.cs:129)
Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Internal.MapTileObject.Build (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList1[T] mapTiles, Niantic.Lightship.Maps.Jobs.IBuilderJobMonitorManager builderJobMonitorManager) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.niantic.lightship.maps@fb4247cae5/Runtime/Niantic.Lightship.Maps/Internal/MapTileObject.Async.cs:105) Niantic.Lightship.Maps.LightshipMapView.AddMapTiles (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList1[T] mapTiles) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.niantic.lightship.maps@fb4247cae5/Runtime/Niantic.Lightship.Maps/LightshipMapView.cs:491)
Niantic.Lightship.Maps.LightshipMapView.Update () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.niantic.lightship.maps@fb4247cae5/Runtime/Niantic.Lightship.Maps/LightshipMapView.cs:258)

Hi Hassan,

From the error it looks like you’re using the resource-based map game sample. May I know at what specific point this error pops up?