Is there a reason why Gameboard classes (e.g. Surface class) have been made “internal” in v2.2 of ARDK?
I’m not sure at which version this change was made, but the previous ARVoyage example (using ARDK v1.3.1) could access the Surface class from external classes in order to build a mesh for the GameBoard. But this functionality is no longer possible with ARDK v2.2 as all classes in the Niantic.ARDK.Extensions.Gameboard namespace have been made internal. Even the latest example of ARVoyage has completely removed this WalkaboutTileBuilder class.
Seeing as how so much of the API for Gameboard has changed, is there still any way to generate a mesh for the Gameboard just as shown in the current public version of ARVoyage on the app store? I’m referring to the snowy/icy platform in the Walkabout scene.
The Gameboard classes moved to internal in ARDK 1.3 The idea was to extend the capabilities of the Gameboard system from only flat surfaces being detected to detecting non-flat surfaces as well without breaking many of the existing experiences. Therefore, the existing surface data structure had to be deprecated for this in the future, so we made it internal.
We do have more Gameboard improvements planned in the future. Keep up to date with the future plans on our Lightship Platform Roadmap website page.
Hi thanks a lot for the explanation. That’s great to hear that more improvements will be coming. Am I right to say that until such improvements come, it is currently quite impossible/difficult to create a mesh that matches the game board surface (similar to the ARVoyage app), since (from what I can tell) I need access to the Surface class to do that?