ARDK 3.4 , New in editor simulator:
Hi y’all it seems like the game aspect has some kind of influence on the Mesh and Camera Offset. When setting the aspect ratio e.g. to iPhone 11 Landscape ( or almost any other) , meshing and placement (via simple raycast from camera / mouse position) creates inaccurate results and a big offset (see video). Only aspect ratio that is almost 100% correct it 4:3 Landscape.
Update: It also depends on your monitor resolution on my 24" 2560x1440p panel, even the 4:3 also has a big offset, but on my 13" 2560x1600p panel it works fine.
For my 24" 2560x1440p panel the resolution of 750x550 works good. But still, weird issue
@LightshipTeam , can someone help me with this? Would be highly appreciated 
Hi Tobias,
I apologize for the delay! After an internal investigation, we were able to reproduce your issue and determine that it is a bug. Getting the simulation feature right is a high priority of ours, so we are currently working on correcting the issue for a future release. Thank you for taking the time to report this to us!
Kind regards,
Maverick L.
Hi @Maverick_Niantic, thanks a bunch for your answer. I found another issue with the simulator which is, that meshing only works in the Sim. when there is an Occlusion Manager in the scene.
Interesting… We’ll have to look into that as well. Thank you!
Would love to show the simulator in one of my upcoming videos, it’s a great tool!
Hi Tobias,
I wanted to reach out to let you know that the first bug you reported has been squashed and you will see the fix in our next release.
Thank you very much once again for reporting this!
It turns out that it is an intentional requirement for an occlusion manager to be in the scene for meshing to function. Thank you once again for taking the time to report your findings!
Awesome, will make a tutorial on this once it’s working