Also, the example scenes have many empty references on the example script, especially the URP version.
Hi Pavel,
Could you please submit the full error log so I can help you further?
Kind Regards,
Maverick L.
1 Like
Hm, I missed the reply, I will try again, but I don’t think there’s any log, since it crashes.
`native E0000 00:00:1695723926.217129 16454] INTERNAL: [SSBA Initialization] Failed: Image has too few landmarks. [Required: 9, Actual: 0].;
native Initializer's SSBA failed to produce a valid output.
native === Source Location Trace: ===
native third_party/redwood/perception/odometry/visual_inertial_initialization/
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.217664 16459] - VisualInertialState is kNotTracking - Clear the buffer. Save the map. Reset the trajectory.
CRASH *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
CRASH Version '2022.3.10f1 (ff3792e53c62)', Build type 'Development', Scripting Backend 'il2cpp', CPU 'arm64-v8a'
CRASH Build fingerprint: 'google/cheetah/cheetah:13/TQ3A.230805.001/10316531:user/release-keys'
CRASH Revision: 'MP1.0'
CRASH ABI: 'arm64'
CRASH Timestamp: 2023-09-26 13:25:26.249498684+0300
CRASH pid: 16140, tid: 16164, name: UnityMain >>> <<<
CRASH uid: 10393
CRASH signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr --------
CRASH x0 0000000000000000 x1 b4000073c6954658 x2 000000000000029a x3 000000731ad74698
CRASH x4 0000000000000030 x5 0000000000000000 x6 0000800000000000 x7 6d6062525dff666d
CRASH x8 cea8ed8813a70fd1 x9 cea8ed8813a70fd1 x10 0000000000000002 x11 0000000000000002
CRASH x12 0000000000009def x13 3f100cc872081893 x14 0000000000000006 x15 ffffffffffffffff
CRASH x16 00000072046578d8 x17 0000007631907890 x18 00000072c1bd0c98 x19 40a0000000000000
CRASH x20 000000731ad76000 x21 b400007506faab80 x22 000000731456b000 x23 0000007314405588
CRASH x24 00000073144013f8 x25 00000073143fd588 x26 00000073143f83c8 x27 0000000000000001
CRASH x28 000000731443f810 x29 000000731ad74790
CRASH lr 000000720394e210 sp 000000731ad74760 pc 000000720394e218 pst 0000000060001000
CRASH backtrace:
CRASH #00 pc 0000000000a59218 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (_Scanner_StartScanning+56)
CRASH #01 pc 000000000175ff00 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #02 pc 000000000175fe3c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #03 pc 0000000001880cb8 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #04 pc 0000000002f7dd80 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #05 pc 0000000001a1b624 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #06 pc 00000000031860bc /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #07 pc 000000000318581c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #08 pc 00000000031855bc /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #09 pc 00000000015f1de0 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #10 pc 00000000015f1d2c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: a2264f50952bdb8a)
CRASH #11 pc 00000000007cb75c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (scripting_method_invoke(ScriptingMethodPtr, ScriptingObjectPtr, ScriptingArguments&, ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)+176) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #12 pc 00000000007dda7c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (ScriptingInvocation::Invoke(ScriptingExceptionPtr*, bool)+156) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #13 pc 00000000007ed664 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (MonoBehaviour::CallUpdateMethod(int)+248) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #14 pc 00000000005512f0 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (void BaseBehaviourManager::CommonUpdate<BehaviourManager>()+92) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #15 pc 0000000000551280 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BehaviourManager::Update()+32) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #16 pc 000000000064dfe0 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #17 pc 0000000000643948 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*)+108) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #18 pc 0000000000643988 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (ExecutePlayerLoop(NativePlayerLoopSystem*)+172) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #19 pc 0000000000643c88 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (PlayerLoop()+324) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #20 pc 000000000088e04c /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (UnityPlayerLoop()+812) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #21 pc 00000000008af590 /data/app/~~kxAKHypLJVzwj-Z58oEzbg==/ (nativeRender(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*)+84) (BuildId: 66d2a25cedb1152a)
CRASH #22 pc 0000000000461754 /apex/ (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+148) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #23 pc 000000000020a2b0 /apex/ (nterp_helper+4016) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #24 pc 0000000000209334 /apex/ (nterp_helper+52) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #25 pc 000000000020b074 /apex/ (nterp_helper+7540) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #26 pc 000000000020a254 /apex/ (nterp_helper+3924) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #27 pc 0000000000209334 /apex/ (nterp_helper+52) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #28 pc 0000000000209334 /apex/ (nterp_helper+52) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #29 pc 0000000000457d6c /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub+556) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #30 pc 0000000000483be4 /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+156) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #31 pc 00000000004838b0 /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, jvalue const*)+400) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #32 pc 00000000005cc300 /apex/ (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+1680) (BuildId: 6fc1c03912861b04885c9f2953121b6b)
CRASH #33 pc 00000000000c226c /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+204) (BuildId: dc4001c2ef2dfc23467040797a96840c)
CRASH #34 pc 0000000000054a30 /apex/ (__start_thread+64) (BuildId: dc4001c2ef2dfc23467040797a96840c)
native E0000 00:00:1695723926.314606 16454] INTERNAL: [SSBA Initialization] Failed: Image has too few landmarks. [Required: 9, Actual: 0].;
native Initializer's SSBA failed to produce a valid output.
native === Source Location Trace: ===
native third_party/redwood/perception/odometry/visual_inertial_initialization/
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.315096 16459] - VisualInertialState is kNotTracking - Clear the buffer. Save the map. Reset the trajectory.
native E0000 00:00:1695723926.398688 16454] INTERNAL: [SSBA Initialization] Failed: Image has too few landmarks. [Required: 9, Actual: 4].;
native Initializer's SSBA failed to produce a valid output.
native === Source Location Trace: ===
native third_party/redwood/perception/odometry/visual_inertial_initialization/
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.399017 16459] - VisualInertialState is kNotTracking - Clear the buffer. Save the map. Reset the trajectory.
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.515234 16454] Intrinsic vector size of the camera 0 is 7
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.558473 16454] [SSBA Depth Refinement] Refine successfully!
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.560577 16454 bundle_adjustment_initialization.h:143] Number of measurements used in BA initialization for temporal landmarks: 524
native I0000 00:00:1695723926.560626 16454 bundle_adjustment_initialization.h:145] Number of good measurements (i.e., reprojection errors <= 3 pixels) in BA initialization for temporal landmarks: 521
CRASH Tombstone written to: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
CRASH Forwarding signal 11
--------- beginning of crash
libc Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0xa0000000000000 in tid 16164 (UnityMain), pid 16140 (.place.metaport)
native E0000 00:00:1695723927.000987 16581] Camera Image Stream failed to dequeue Image from ImageReader. Status = UNAVAILABLE: AImageReader_acquireLatestImage ['ImageReaderStatusErrorSpaceClass::AMEDIA_IMGREADER_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE']
native === Source Location Trace: ===
native third_party/arcore/ar/camera/android/
native third_party/arcore/ar/camera/android/
native acquired_image_count=4
native E0000 00:00:1695723927.001514 16580] Camera Image Stream failed to dequeue Image from ImageReader. Status = UNAVAILABLE: AImageReader_acquireLatestImage ['ImageReaderStatusErrorSpaceClass::AMEDIA_IMGREADER_NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE']
native === Source Location Trace: ===
native third_party/arcore/ar/camera/android/
native third_party/arcore/ar/camera/android/
native acquired_image_count=3
When I build an empty project, it’s ok
Removing the SDK from the project and reimporting it fixed it.
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