Elements being occluded by Generated Mesh

  • Issue category: Real-time Mapping-Depth
  • Device type & OS version: Android / iOS
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac / Windows
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version:
  • ARDK version:
  • Unity version:

Description of the issue:

We’ve implemented the ARSDK from Niantic to get realtime meshing.

Everything works fine, but we’re having an issue where other elements are being somewhat occluded by the 3D mesh it seems. We even removed the Renderer component, but that didn’t fix anything.

Here’s a video of the issue:

I wanted to attach the video but since my account is quite new, it looks like I can’t yet!

Any idea whats happening?

Hi Daniel,

Would you be able to send your recording maybe through Google Drive? I tried opening the link but it only takes me to the wetransfer home page. There isn’t a prompt to download your video

Hi Daniel,

You can disregard my last update. I was able to download it now.

Hi Daniel,

So for this issue, is it happening consistently with each run of your project or does it vary? It looks like you’re building the project using the invisible mesh of the Mesh Prefab. Can you turn that off to see how the mesh is being generated?

Additionally, the details you filled in show that this is happening on both iOS and Android. May I know the devices and if the issue is consistent across all of them or if it’s different per device?

Hey @Jesus_Niantic ,

Thanks for looking into our issue, and I’m sorry about the delayed response.

We were able to figure it out but honestly, I don’t remember what we did to fix this issue.

We can consider this issue closed.

Thank you!

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