Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: / Scanning Framework
Description of the issue:
When using scanning framework in 2.5.2 and create 2 model, but seem my 2 model don’t have same position (but transform.LocalPosition and transform.position in unity world of both have same), it meaning that vertices of that aren’t same position. But i want my 2 mesh (exact it’s vertices) have same position, like it overlap each other. How to do this, and how the mesh in texturedMesh of scanning Framework form.
And it overlap like this
The index (order) of vertices of both not same too!
Hey there,
Are you trying to export your scans as an OBJ? You will want to ensure that the origin of the vertices for both models match as well as the scale of the overall model. Have you tried dumping the vertex information as well as the origins to a file?
Maverick L.
Hi, thanks for reply,
Hm, my situation like: i scan 2 times on phone (same scene - my room), after export to obj and send to Unity Editor on PC (nothing wrong at export progress). The result is above, 2 mesh have same every, but vertices of 2 mesh is different. So we need to translate mesh 2 one VECTOR that 2 mesh will overlap each other. Is there anyway to find that VECTOR
If you open the two OBJ files in a text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++ you will be able to see the plain text representation which will show the vectors. Please take a look at this Wikipedia article on OBJ files for more information:
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Thanks for your reply,
Strange that when i drag obj file into unity editor, the mesh seem ok but vertices in file different with vertices in mesh when drag into unity editor, what cause that?
I apologize for the late response!
OBJ files can list vertex coordinates in either relative or absolute space. Relative coordinates are relative to the first vertex in the list, i.e. the origin vertex. Have you printed out how many vertices each mesh has, what coordinate system is being used, and what the origin vertex coordinates are?