Unity Example Package /
Device type & OS version: Android
Host machine & OS version: Windows
Issue Environment : Unity Mock / Redmi 9s
Xcode version:
ARDK version: 1.2.0
Unity version: 2019.4.34f1
Description of the issue:
Hi, this is my first time here in the community.
I’m trying to do the first tests with Lightship but after doing the Build, when I open the app on my phone (Redmi 9s, android 11), a message appears “This app needs the latest version of Google Play Services for AR” and that is already installed and updated.
I have some projects that I want to implement Lightship!
Can someone help me?
<queries><package android:name=“com.google.ar.core” /></queries>
AndroidManifest.xml has this? Sorry for my english.
use Unity 2020 is better.
Hi Anderson, the reason why you’re seeing this popup is because you’re targeting Android 11 (API Level 30) or above in your build settings. To fix this, you can either set your target API Level to Android 10 (API Level 29), or you can add a queries tag in your AndroidManifest.xml as detailed in the Building for Android 11 (API level 30) and higher section of documentation. There is also a related thread you can use as a reference. Do please note though that the gradle related part of that section only applies if you’re using Unity 2019.