Setting up the Apple provisioning profile correctly for iOS development / Distribution

I am just trying to get the first tutorial up and running, and am actually quite excited about it.

My background is that I have built iOS apps. I have not built Unity apps.

MacBook Pro 16" 2019 i7
MacOS Monterey 12.0.1
XCode 13.1
iPhone 13 Pro Max
iOS 15.0.2
Unity 2019.4.32fl

  1. I follow instructions in Getting started video: Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): Getting Started with ARDK

I am building the semantic segmentation demo, just as video instructs to do.

  1. First Error, inside of XCODE:

Signing for “Unity-iPhone” requires a development team.
Select a development team in the Signing & Capabilities editor that matches the selected profile “38cceac0-14eb-4c64-b3c9-449817a3608c”.

  1. I am looking at the Building for iOS instructions. Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): Building the ARDK-Getting-Started App for iOS
    OK - in bullet 9 (There are two bullets (9) this is the second one for Signing and Capabilities, it identifies an error sort of similar. Here it gets a little confusing. The way Unity made the build, it does not have “Automatically Manage Signing,” but your image has that checked.

Checking that box helps. I can pick my development team.

But I still end up with an error:

Unity-iPhone has conflicting provisioning settings.
Unity-iPhone is automatically signed, but provisioning profile 38cceac0-14eb-4c64-b3c9-449817a3608c has been manually specified. Set the provisioning profile value to “Automatic” in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the Signing & Capabilities editor.

I am local. Any chance you guys might have a lab day where we could get some help getting everything going??

Hey Stephen,

I’ve seen a couple of errors with iPhone build, not quite as you describe but…

“Automatically Sign” is found in Unity Player settings
“Automatically Manage Signing” is found in XCODE

In unity player settings, I added my “Signing Team ID” and tick box for “Automatic Signing”. However, when I click ‘build and run’ Xcode gives error ‘requires a provisioning profile’. That seems to be a bug between Unity and Xcode. To resolve that, in Xcode with the failed build, I select ‘Automatically manage signing’ and in the TEAM dropdown, I select my name. Then I click the PLAY icon to force it to re-run to the phone, and voila!

Hope this helps a little…

Hi Stephen,

Apologies for the late reply, but the errors that you are seeing are most likely due to what Andrew mentioned in the previous post. If you’re still having issues with this after following those recommendations, please reply here with additional details and we’ll look into it.

Thank you!