Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Multiplayer / Real-time Mapping-Depth /Example Package / VPS
- Device type & OS version: iPhone 11pro on iOS16.0.2, iPhone 8 on 15.3.1
- Host machine & OS version: MacOS
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version: 14
- ARDK version: 2.2.1 running on URP!
- Unity version:2021.3.9
Bug reproduction steps:
Using the PongHLAPIDemo demoscene configured with URP, and using the same build:
on my iPhone 11pro with iOS16, the camera background video stutters strangely every now and again. Also sometimes, old video frames are display as if it goes back 1 second in time for a few frames. After 1-2 minutes the app crashes hard.
on my iPhone 8 with iOS15, this does not happen, it runs fine.
Not sure what the problem is here…