Hi Everyone… Pls does anyone knows the settings for URP shaders for ARDK, I’m getting a blank screen when deployment to Android… Something like thi
Hi Everyone… Pls does anyone knows the settings for URP shaders for ARDK, I’m getting a blank screen when deployment to Android… Something like thi
Did you read the URP setup documentation on the ARKD docs?
Hello, please check out the documentation on using the Universal Render Platform:
https://lightship.dev/docs/urp.html. Also, it helps to know more about your development environment. What version of the ARDK and Unity are you using? What OS and device are you building to?
Unity Defaults to, Auto Graphics API.
ARCore doesnt support Vulkan so you have to turn off “Auto Graphics API” and remove Vulkan from the list.
Unity ARFoundation and the Google ARCore Plugin are giving errors while building, ARDK does not.
So would be a nice feature so this will not happen