Issue category: VPS
Device type & OS version: Android
Host machine & OS version: Windows
Issue Environment : On Device
ARDK version: 2.0.0
Unity version: 2020.3.32f1
Description of the issue:
I am using the VPS Coverage List template from the Lightship Hub and have modified basically nothing, but for some reason I’m getting error 400 on my Coverage Area requests. The documentation doesn’t seem to say anything about error 400 specifically. I’ve gone through the scripts in the template to see if anything looks off from what the documentation has, but everything looks to be used correctly. This error happens regardless of if I use a spoof location or my actual device location.
I can’t seem to recreate the issue in editor, it only happens on my device. Though, I don’t think the editor is actually querying the API, rather it’s just pulling up some mock locations.
This is the output I’m getting from Android Logcat:

Any ideas on what’s going wrong here?
Hi Sean,
Thank you for your patience.
I attempted to replicate the same issue you’re experiencing but I was successfully able to run the list example on Android. I too ran the basic templates example with no other modifications. The only thing that stuck out was including an API key, can you verify that you’ve included an API key?
If you have not, you can add one by going to Unity , and on the toolbar going to Lightship → Lightship Hub → Configuration Helper Window.
Another thing to look out for is having more than one API key. If you have included an API key already via the path I outlined above, make sure that you have not included an API key using our old method which would require a Resources folder containing an ARDK folder which contains the auth configuration (Assets → Resources → ARDK → ArdkAuthConfig).
If you have included the ARDK examples package as well, that one also contains its own Resources folder which you should delete if you already set an API key.
I have only included an API key via the old method as I was not aware of the new method. I will try again with the new method to see if it fixes it.