What is the best strategy to make a video fullscreen?

  • Issue category: Developer Tools

Description of the issue:
I have a video player and it get spawned with a video clip attached to it. I’ve builded a UI with a button to make the video fullscreen. My question is: what could it be the best strategy to make the video full screen with AR? Right now the video have fixed width and height. Is it possible to make the video stretch and mantain quality? Is it possible to get the device width and height to make the video have the exact proportions when user enter on fullscreen? Anyway, i’m seeking the best way to do this and would appreciate any help.

I suggest to make the video extra big and then only render the ratio in it for that device (so tall devices will remove a bit of the sides, the ideal ratio will see all the background as well, the wide devices will remove a bit on the top and buttom)

Hello Alefe,

I would recommend starting with Dylan’s suggestion for the time being and get back to us if you’re still having issues. To clarify, in what capacity are you using ARDK? It sounds like you’re attempting to run an AR session and at some point the person running your app will need to watch a video that will have to go into full screen. Is that correct?

Yes. Correct. The person will have the option to turn on/off fullscreen mode.

The video will popup with a initial width and height. When user click on the fullscreen button, the video will have to resize to ocupy all screen dimensions.